it's your time
it's your time
The 52 short, yet powerful chapters contained within are specifically designed as a guidebook for helping you discover what matters most to you, and how to integrate those discoveries into your life, your relationships, and your legacy.
The interactive sections work to guide you in the process of reflecting on each Maxim, and assessing how it currently plays out in your life, then it challenges you to consider how to implement each one in a more intentional and authentic way.
Finish it in under an hour, and apply the
principles for a lifetime.
An easy-to-read, yet comprehensive guidebook that will methodically propel your life from one of mediocrity to one of joy, fulfillment, and integrity.
When you utilize the life-affirming procedures that J describes in each chapter - including his step-by-step exercises, tips, and techniques - you will find yourself awakening to the better You inside that has been desiring to emerge.
Through decades of research mixed with trial and error, he reveals and outlines for you the secrets and resources used by the most happy and successful people on a daily basis.
Leverage the power of the Mastermind experience.
The Master Mind is defined as; “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose."
Learn and adopt Napoleon Hill's
13 Success Principles
as outlined in "Think and Grow Rich"
Engage in a comprehensive, six-month, one-to-one mentoring relationship with Coach Shoop to facilitate the accomplishment of your lofty plans and goals.
Request a confidential interview by clicking the link below and completing the contact form, and one of our team members will reach out to schedule a private interview.
This collaborative book shares two beautiful stories of the power of a smile and hundreds of photos and quotes from authors, leaders, speakers and celebrities. These people were chosen because they influence us to feel better. Just like a child’s laugh is contagious, so is a smile. This book will help you create a better state of mind to be the powerful person you are. Purchase the Color Collectors Edition to help the Keep Smiling Movement growing!